Everything is moved by either LOVE or FEAR

fear forgiveness love
love or fear

By Chiara Hardie.

Are your actions dictated by LOVE ❤️? Or are they dictated by FEAR 😱?

Fear of being judged.
Fear of not being loved.
Fear of not being enough.
Fear of running out money.
Fear of loss.
Fear of loneliness.

And where has that taken you…?

Have you ever thought for once, just for once, to act “in love” rather than “in fear”?

I believe that everything’s moved by either LOVE or FEAR. It’s that simple. Face your fears, and you’ll find Love - with capital L - for everyone and in everything you do.

Your work will become more pleasant.

You won’t mind your boss that much anymore.

Your lover will suddenly look more interesting.

Your children will be less restless.

Your bank account will suddenly feel more abundant.

I love this idea. And since I've started living using this perspective, everything has suddenly started to align. I feel lighter. Things are less difficult to bear and issues get resolved with less pain.

Are your actions driven by Love or Fear? Let's chat.